4 Reasons to Hire Professionals for Your Music Video

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Has your band already tried filming a music video on its own, or are you considering letting a friend of a friend who owns a video camera take charge of your next production? It may seem simple to do things yourself, but there are, unfortunately, several reasons that you may not be satisfied with the end result. Instead, consider hiring professionals to film your next music video for these four reasons:


  1. Music Videos are an Investment

The number one reason that local, Orlando-based bands avoid hiring professionals for their music videos is the perceived cost. Any video production is a financial investment, but it is also an investment in your band’s brand and image. Music videos are a strong visual tool that can help you attract more followers, sell more CDs, and book more gigs. You will turn off potential audience members, however, if your video appears to be cheaply made or has problems with the audio and visual levels.


  1. Create a Polished, Professional Look

Hiring an experienced Orlando video production team will protect your music video from shaky footage, poor audio levels, and jumpy or startling editing mash-ups. You want a finished product that you will be proud to share. In addition, a professional video team can help you tell a story or otherwise reflect your band’s personal style. The production should be entertaining or compelling, with a particular pull that makes people want to watch it again or download the song. This process is easier said than done, which is why an experienced camera crew will help you through every step. Brainstorming and storyboarding are hugely important, but so are preparing a detailed video shoot schedule and arranging all of the details ahead of time. The day of your shoot should be fun and exciting, not stressful, and your end product will reflect this.


  1. High-End Equipment

The annual movie Oscars race focuses on the actors and plot, but think about the other categories of awards for a moment. Films are also lauded for their stunning visuals and cinematography, music, and sound mixing and editing skills. These are the types of behind-the-scenes details that should be the strongest in your video production. In order to achieve the best-possible sound and audio levels for your music video, you need a camera crew with up-to-date equipment that includes HD cameras and top-of-the-line audio tools.


  1. Experienced, Expert Editing

Take a moment to consider all of the aspects of an Orlando video production. There will be countless takes, lip-synced scenes to line up, shifting audio and lighting levels, different backgrounds or stages to consider, and varying angles. Musical montages must be clipped together while keeping the track intact, syncing up to the singers in between angle changes or wide shots. For the best-looking music video, you want a professional editing team on your side. Their experience and skill will make your finished product flawless, perfect for media buying, sharing on social media, or using to get your next live gig.


Our Orlando Video Production Company, NG Production Films, has worked with multiple bands to produce top-quality music videos, each with a unique voice and style. We understand the ins-and-outs of the filming and editing process, and can work with you to find filming within your band’s budget. For a free, no-obligation consultation, call NG Production Films today at 877-203-2895 or simply fill out our contact form to get started.