Nowadays, it seems like almost everyone has some experience with video. Whether you’ve shot some video yourself or even had a part in a video shoot, most people have encountered video shooting in one way or another. Much of this is due to how widespread and ubiquitous cameras have become. They are everywhere and you probably have one in your pocket.
Maybe you even have some experience making videos for your brand and have already used video as a tool for your business. Maybe you haven’t made any videos at all yet and you’re just starting to dip your toes into video production. Regardless of your experience level, staying on the cutting edge of video is crucial if you want your video to have effective results. Whether you want your videos to serve as marketing tools for your brand to drive sales, educate customers or even for internal use to train employees, staying on the cutting edge of what’s new and relevant will always be important. Afterall, what’s the point of making videos if they don’t work for you? The video industry has changed significantly over the decades and now today, it’s changing rapidly. If you don’t stay on the cutting edge, it will be easy to lose credibility and reputability. Not to mention that your videos may not have great results. To stay relevant, you must be right on the edge of what’s cool and new.
Social media is a great example. There was a time when no business would have used social media to market their products or services. It didn’t exist. Even when social media did start to crop up, only very few businesses could use it effectively to market themselves. However, nowadays, social media is a must-have marketing tool. Almost no business can survive without a social media presence. If you don’t stay on the cutting edge of social media, you could easily lose out on results that could radically change your business. As the years fly by, some social media platforms fall out of favor and new ones arise. Your content needs to be hosted on the platform that’s the intersection between what best suits your brand’s needs and what’s the most popular and relevant. If you create long form video content, that would be better to host on YouTube and maybe Facebook. If you create short form video content, TikTok and Instagram Reels are great options. The content also ought to be utilizing popular trends and relevant techniques for engagement.
Even now in 2024, I sometimes see videos using graphics and lower thirds that look plucked out of 2005. Cheesy corporate jingles that sound twenty years old. Jokes and memes that could only be funny to a select few boomers. Sometimes the way older professional video guys shoot and edit a video will harken back to early 2000’s videography. It’s not that they’re doing anything wrong or unprofessional, it’s just… outdated. If you want your brand to stay on the cutting edge, this kind of videography just won’t work. At the very least, your brand won’t get the results you’re looking for and at worst, people will laugh, not take you seriously, and that will be embarrassing. I won’t name names but I’m thinking of a very large brand who released a major, national commercial campaign with outdated memes, and it gave them a bad reputation amongst younger people. They quickly became seen as out-of-touch and goofy. You don’t want that. It’s important to remember that most brands ought to be marketed towards young people. For that reason, young people ought to be on your marketing and video teams.
Even viewing and exhibition technology has changed over time. It wasn’t that long ago when 720p was the standard resolution quality. If that was the standard at the time that you created your brand’s last video, then it’s probably time to get a new video. Today, the high-definition resolution quality standard is kind of 1080p, but even that is changing. With the rising popularity of 4K and beyond, I can imagine a future where that becomes the new normal. 4K is already very common but I think some brands will push past that into 6K and 8K very soon. At that point, you won’t want to be the lame uncle still using 1080p to represent your brand. The cool uncles will be rocking 4K and beyond.
When you partner with video professionals to produce content for your brand, even their technology will change over the years (or at least it should). Videographers today are not using the same technology that they were just a few short years ago. One example that’s becoming increasingly relevant are LED volume studios for backgrounds. Green screens used to be the most common tool for videographers to impose backgrounds behind subjects for video. Video professionals are now using LED volume studios instead for more realistic backgrounds and to achieve higher quality results. While green screen seems to still be hanging on with its last legs, you don’t want to be the guy still using it when LED volumes are now the cutting edge. 5 years from now, you definitely won’t want to be the guy still using it. Like shooting on old-school film stock, some outdated technology we only want to use if we desire an older look for aesthetics.
Cameras are another major technological factor that has changed over the years. As previously mentioned, exhibition resolutions have changed over time. That development is tied directly to the camera resolutions which have changed to keep up (or vice versa). We now have cameras that are shooting in 12K, even when this is beyond what most displays and exhibitions can show. The extra resolution provides a great benefit in post-production. Cameras are improving year after year, not just in resolution, but in other factors such as color range and depth. The images are looking increasingly beautiful. If videographers do not stay on the cutting edge of video camera technology, their videos will start to look older and more outdated in quick time. This can have a negative impact on your brand’s image.
Hopefully you can see now why staying on the cutting edge is so important. If you want your brand to be successful, it’s an absolute necessity. Doing this alone, however, can be quite difficult. We would highly recommend partnering with marketing and video professionals who can help you stay on the cutting edge.
Our Orlando Video Production Company, NG Production Films, can communicate effectively and efficiently to produce high-quality video production. We have over a decade of experience in producing the next video production project for your organization. Call NG Production Films today for a free, no-obligation consultation at 407-233-3236 or fill out our contact form for a prompt reply.