There’s no denying that we live in an era of increasing distrust of large businesses, and sometimes even businesses of any size. You can see it on the news, social media or even from just talking to people directly. For various social and political reasons, more people seem to, at the very least, distrust large businesses and at worst, hate any kind of business for simply existing. Regardless of whether hatred and disgust are warranted or not, it’s paramount now more than ever that businesses work to repair their relationship with the public through honest and authentic means of expression. Perceived inauthenticity on social justice issues can sometimes leave a big black mark on a company, tarnishing reputations irreparably. Meanwhile dishonesty in any form and at any level can often be the death knell for a business. 

Creating engaging corporate video content is one potential solution to this problem. If a business chose to work with a competent video professional, they could use videos to express honest and authentic messages that help better connect them to their audience. These videos resonate with audiences on a deeper level than written content. It could help businesses build trust with the public and communicate altruistic intentions. A business can transparently communicate their ethos and values which serves to humanize the brand and elicit empathy. 

We also live in an era of increased competition between businesses of all sizes. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there were 33.2 million businesses in the United States in 2023. That’s a lot of businesses. That would mean that about 1/10 of the population of the U.S. is small business owners. With this many businesses out there, the only way to continually gain new customers, retain your current customers, and grow your business is to differentiate yourself from the rest. Learning how to distinguish yourself from your competitors is the only thing that gives you a leg-up. Why should customers do business with you if they can get the same service or similar service elsewhere? What exactly makes your company unique and special? 

These are questions that most business owners seek to address and answer regularly. However, only a select few have found that one potential solution to this problem is by producing video content. If you can create truly unique and engaging corporate video content, your business can stand out from your competitors. People can start to see your business as different, unique, and special. This is how you can carve your own niche market. 

Even beyond just merely differentiating yourself from competitors, your business could use videos as a tool to build a reputation as the thought leaders of your industry. Regularly producing high-quality video content can make your business stand out as a credible authority in your industry. Your videos can share industry insights, trends, opinions and information that will position you as a respectable, expert authority. 

This effect can have a tremendous impact. When people begin seeing your business as unique from your competitors, you can start to attract new customers. People who may otherwise have not considered doing business with you may start to flock to your business thanks to the videos they watched. Videos may help you retain customers as well. You may even attract better talent. High-quality corporate videos can do wonders to attract high-quality employees that will help take your business to the next level. If you’re looking to attract new investors, high-quality video is a necessity. Very few investors will feel comfortable investing in a business they don’t understand or trust deeply. Video content is crucial to building trust and educating people. 

Video is a medium that engages multiple senses and evokes emotions in ways that traditional marketing methods just can’t replicate. Through video, you can narrate your brand journey, values, and vision with compelling visuals. It’s an inherently emotional medium that’s ripe for cultivating emotional connections from the music, shot selections, and story. You know this because big brands like Nike and Coca-Cola have already mastered this art. They expertly use storytelling and emotion to resonate with the public on a deeper level, and frequently, people fall under that spell. Your business could be the next mage to master that magic. 

Corporate videos can also help serve a business to increase sales in a more direct sense. Videos are a fantastic way to dynamically demonstrate a product or service or even provide evidence of the benefits of a product or service through methods such as testimonials. With videos, we can showcase the value of your business offerings quite convincingly and this will help influence the purchase decisions of the audience watching. 

If you’re careful with your video’s release strategy and ensure high-quality, your video can have a major splash on social media and your business’ SEO. Amplifying your online presence helps to attract a broader audience which again could translate to more customers, investors or employees.  The shareability and virality of your video content will help spread it across social media platforms to drive brand awareness and increase community engagement. 

Engaging corporate videos can even have a major impact on your team internally. Videos can be used for employee training and development and help aid smoother onboarding processes. These videos can help maintain consistent practices across your business and foster a culture that embraces your company values. 

In conclusion, the importance of engaging corporate videos cannot be overstated in today’s business landscape. From fostering authenticity and trust to driving differentiation and thought leadership, videos offer a multifaceted approach to communication that resonates with audiences and stakeholders alike. For that reason, it’s an absolute necessity that businesses ensure they have video professionals on their side to assist with the creation of this content. No business can do it alone. 

Our Orlando Video Production Company, NG Production Films, can communicate effectively and efficiently to produce high-quality video production. We have over a decade of experience in producing the next video production project for your organization. Call NG Production Films today for a free, no-obligation consultation at 407-233-3236 or fill out our contact form for a prompt reply.