When it comes to insurance, there’s arguably no more important industry for preventing and being prepared for disaster. Utilizing video marketing can help showcase why insurance policies are crucial to protect against these unexpected expenses.

Selling people an insurance policy is a complex science. Whether it’s for their health, residence, or personal belongings, insurance is something everyone will need at some point. The question is, what’s the best way to promote it with Orlando video production?

Tips for Promoting Insurance with Video Marketing

It’s something that can come in handy when life goes wrong, and it can even prevent disastrous expenses. Here are a few ways to promote insurance policies through video ads.

1.    Show “Life Happening” in Detail

Using fear in marketing is common, but controversial. Some people don’t like the idea of scaring their viewers. However, if a person is thinking about insurance, it is likely the fear is already in the back of their mind.

Fear, in this case, wouldn’t be a crippling ailment that negatively impacts their life. It could simply be a small, rational bit of worry that makes them more inclined to consider insurance because they know unexpected events can happen.

Marketers can show that in videos by displaying the instances people are trying to guard against. It may seem heavy in terms of the tone, but it can make people click and reach out.

2.    Close with Comfort

Video marketing is about leading a person along on a journey. Marketers want that journey to end with them feeling confident in reaching out.

When a person watches a video where their concerns are addressed, they’re more likely to continue watching the video and reach out for a service afterward.

End the video by showing a person contacting an insurance agent or agency, and make it known how this action helped them. The viewer will be more likely to relate and consider getting a policy themselves.

3.    Answer Obvious Questions

While insurance is a complex industry, there are a few questions that come up over and over again. For example, people want to know if quotes are free and what factors will impact their premiums.

It’s also a good idea to talk about the high points of the agent or agency. Don’t go too overboard with these, but mention them casually so the viewer feels confident reaching out to get a policy from the company behind the video.


Example of an Insurance Ad:

Improve Orlando Video Production with Professional Assistance

When it comes to making videos for insurance companies or any other industry, it’s always easier with the help of professionals. A skilled Orlando video production company can provide help with planning, recording, and editing a professional looking video.

Our Orlando Video Production Company, NG Production Films, can communicate effectively and efficiently to produce high-quality video production. We have over a decade of experience to produce the next video production project for your organization. Call NG Production Films today for a free no obligation consultation at 877-203-2895 or fill out our contact form for a prompt reply.