4 Tips That Can Help Your Low Budget Film

Just because you have a video camera and a microphone, it doesn’t mean that you will be the next Academy Award winner. Filmmakers often start out creating lower budget films, and chances are your first film will be just that. But regardless of what your budget is, there are many tips that can help you avoid some common pitfalls that many filmmakers come across. Here are a few that will help make your low budget Orlando video production not seem so low budget.

1. Film from a variety of different angles. Many filmmakers make the mistake of creating many unnecessary closeups and similar angles that make the film seem a little boring. Use angles to your advantage, to create a mood that the audience can connect with, and to create suspense.

2. Use a tripod. A shaky camera is often a sign of an amateurish video, and can easily be avoided by using a tripod or something to steady the shot. There are cases where a shaky camera can add effects, but if that’s not what you’re aiming for, you should invest in a tripod.

3. Use efficient lighting. This is one of the most difficult things to achieve, especially in a low budget film. What may look good off camera might not always look good on video. It’s important do lighting tests to get used to your camera’s range. You may want to consider hiring an Orlando video production crew for help.

4. Use a good microphone. One thing that can really ruin a movie experience is terrible sound. Even if your story line is fantastic, if the sound is under-par, there really is nothing worse for the audience to experience. You don’t want your audience to wonder what is going on throughout every scene, and you certainly don’t want to look like an amateur filmmaker.

These tips can help you get started on your lower budget film, but if you’re looking for expertise and professional video productions, NG Production Films can help you create a film worth watching. From commercials to live events to television shows, our Orlando video production company will utilize the knowledge and techniques appropriate to your project. Call us today at 877-203-2895 to schedule your free consultation and to get started on your next film production.