When it comes to producing video content, it’s safe to say that time is money.

From concept planning, until the final edits are made, every step of the process involves resources, both in terms of time and budget. That’s why pre-production is an essential step.

Pre-production is the preparatory phase when you’ll be planning, organizing, and making important decisions before starting to film. It’ll ensure you’re headed into your latest video project with a plan that details everything that needs to be done, so there’s no hesitation when diving in. In this article, we’ll talk about what pre-production entails, as well as how it’ll save time and money.

What is Pre-Production?

Pre-production is the initial phase of video production that happens before filming begins. It involves all the planning and preparation that needs to happen before the cameras can start rolling. During this phase, you’ll brainstorm ideas, finalize the script, scout locations, assemble the crew, and obtain all the equipment necessary. You’re essentially laying the foundation for your video project, ensuring it goes smoothly. After all, it’s less stressful when you’re prepared ahead of time.

11 Ways Pre-Production Saves Time and Money

To help you understand the benefits of pre-production, here are some ways it’ll save time and money:

1. Clear Project Vision

You always want to go into a video project with a clear vision in mind, otherwise, you’ll have a hard time knowing how to get started. The pre-production phase prompts you to define the goals of your project, determine who your target audience is and allows you to map out the message you want to convey. When you have a crystal-clear vision from the start, you’ll be less likely to waste time brainstorming ideas and it reduces the risk of changing your mind halfway through production.

2. Efficient Script Development

If you’re planning to have a script for your video project, you’ll need to create it before filming begins. During the pre-production phase, you will create a script outlining the video content such as dialogue and scenes that need to be filmed. This gives the stars of your video a chance to rehearse before stepping in front of the camera. Plus, it provides a clear roadmap for the shoot.

3. Location Scouting

Location scouting ahead of time is also essential if you want to save time and money. You must identify locations and secure them before hitting the record button. This will prevent the need for last-minute location changes, which can be frustrating and costly.

4. Crew Coordination

You’ll also want to assemble your team early on to ensure you have everyone you need on hand. Each team member should have a full understanding of their role on the project, as well as what their responsibilities are. This will help minimize any confusion while on set.

As part of the crew, you’ll want someone who can oversee the entire project and people to handle video, audio, and lighting. However, this is also the time to do casting and book talent if you need to hire actors for filming. Make sure you have all the necessary roles filled early on.

5. Equipment Preparation

Another great thing about the pre-production phase is that you’ll have the opportunity to assess what kind of equipment will be needed for your shoot. The last thing you want is to waste time and money while on set because you’re waiting to obtain a piece of equipment you didn’t realize you’d need. Plus, you can get everything and test it out ahead of time to ensure it’s in working order.

6. Budget Planning

While it’s certainly nice to have an unlimited budget, this isn’t realistic for most businesses. During pre-production, take the time to determine how much money can be allocated to your video project so you can avoid overspending. This will allow you to make cost-effective decisions before, during, and after.

7. Efficient Scheduling

When it comes to filming, you always want to minimize downtime and optimize the days you’re actively shooting, especially if you’re renting a location since it will cost money every day. This will allow you to get the most out of your time, ensuring you’re getting plenty of work done. Creating a well-organized schedule during pre-production is a must for this. It will ensure everyone knows when to be on set and will keep them on task the entire time.

8. Storyboarding

Creating a storyboard is also a smart move if you want to save time and money while filming. A storyboard essentially gives you a visual representation of the video’s shots and sequences. This is a must because you’ll know what scenes need to be filmed before diving in, ensuring you capture all the essential shots while on location. This will ultimately reduce the need for re-shoots later.

If you’re planning to film in a public location, you’ll want to investigate what needs to be done beforehand to make that happen. Are there any permits that need to be obtained, for instance? The last thing you want to deal with is legal issues that could result in filming delays. Always obtain the necessary permission before beginning your project so you can plan accordingly.

10. Streamlined Post-Production

A well-planned pre-production phase ensures you have all the necessary elements when it comes time to handle post-production. This is when you’ll review all the footage you’ve obtained and begin editing everything together into the final video. This process will be much easier when you have all the necessary creative assets so you can just focus on editing.

11. Better Quality Overall

The careful planning and attention to detail before shooting is going to pay off in the end, as it’ll contribute to a higher quality final product. You’ll capture all the essential scenes and have impeccable footage and audio. This can save you from expensive reshoots or extensive time spent in post-production. You’ll be happy with the completed project and so will your viewers.

Master the Pre-Production Phase

Focusing on pre-production will help your next video project go smoothly. It’ll ensure you’re capturing all the necessary shots, getting quality footage, and obtaining a fantastic end result.

Our Orlando video production company, NG Production Films, can communicate effectively and efficiently to produce high-quality video production. We have over a decade of experience to produce the next video production project for your organization. Call NG Production Films today for a free, no-obligation consultation at 407-233-3236 or fill out our contact form for a prompt reply.