With 2020 approaching fast, it’s a perfect time to get creative with Orlando video production.

Not only is the new year a great opportunity to revamp a video strategy, but it is also a fitting time to develop special content.

Just like the winter holidays, New Year’s Eve warrants the creation of unique videos to celebrate the occasion.

Try These New Year-Themed Video Production Ideas

When the calendar rolls over, it is time to get festive and creative. Whether these video ideas end up on landing pages, emails, or across social profiles, each captures the spirit of the holiday and is easy to put a personal spin on.

1.    Give Friendly Safety Reminders

It is always good to show the audience they’re cared for. While New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration, it can also be dangerous. With people turning up drinks and thinking about the future rather than the present, accidents can happen.

The National Safety Council says over 400 fatal accidents could occur during the holiday period.  Develop a video reminding people to stay alert and to get a ride if they’ll be drinking. Provide links to local ridesharing services in the video and description to give the content more value.

2.    Offer a New Year Deal

There’s no better way to celebrate the holiday than with a special deal. Set up a special deal for the end of December through early January, and tailor it to one of the company’s goals.

It could be used to move a product and get those last few sales in to drive yearly numbers up. Additionally, the company could start out with more subscribers or members for the new year, giving a little extra momentum heading into 2020.

3.    Celebrate the Customers’ Year

While this one is a more personal type of video, it is arguably the most impactful on the list. If a customer has been with a company for a year, consider making a video using stats showing their journey.

This could show how long they’ve been with the company, how many products they’ve bought, and how much money they’ve saved by buying products on sale. If making one video for each customer seems too cumbersome, combine the stats and show the activity of the customer base as a whole.

Start 2020 with Outstanding Orlando Video Production

The new year is a time for celebration and a time for starting fresh. Whether a company reminds its audience to stay safe, gives them a special offer, or looks back at the year, it is easy to develop unique content for customers. It’s even easier when working with a skilled Orlando video production company.

Our Orlando Video Production Company, NG Production Films, can communicate effectively and efficiently to produce high-quality video production. We have over a decade of experience to produce the next video production project for your organization. Call NG Production Films today for a free no obligation consultation at 877-203-2895 or fill out our contact form for a prompt reply.