
What Our New Jib/Crane can do for You!

At NG Production Films, we are always looking for ways to take our Orlando Video Production services to the next level, and have now done so with our new 18 foot Jib, or also know as a crane to others in video production.  We are now able to give clients the video production edge they’ve been waiting for, and we’re…

The Future of the Music Video

We remember the good old days when music television meant just that.  We watched music videos often and attentively, wondering when our favorite artists would release there next one.  It was somewhere in between Road Rules and the growth in reality show ratings that these projects slowly found their way to the back burner of music television scheduling.  Though we…

What Makes a Great Camera Crew

Capturing unforgettable moments in life is pretty much priceless.  The little nuances are what make the difference in your wedding, your daughter’s ballet recital,  your son’s little league tournament…you name it.  Are you going to leave it up to Uncle Bob with a handheld cam to bring the significance out of your most important events?  At NGProductions Films, our camera…

Common Misconceptions about Video Production

The idea of finding someone to produce your video can be intimidating.  The idea of attempting to do it yourself can be even more intimidating.  Many times, people feel that they can’t produce their videos because of the following reasons: If I hire a company, it’s going to cost WAY too much If I do it myself, it’s going to…

Why Orlando is Great for Video Production

In Orlando, we are truly the epicenter of the Southeast for video and audio production.   This can first be attributed to the many institutions of higher learning that focus on the fine art of expert video production.   Many of these schools offer high-tech, hands-on methods of learning the trade professionally.   These graduates often stay in Central Florida after their educational…

Benefits of Video Production at a Convention

Orlando, Florida is a huge destination for conventions and trade shows.  With locations around International Drive, Walt Disney World, and Universal Studios, Orlando is home to conventions and events of all varieties and industries.  With the large amount of companies attending such events, it can be difficult to stand out for the crowd.  One great way to add an air…

Capturing Your Next Live Event

If you’re getting ready for your grand opening, holiday event, business anniversary, or any sort of promotional event, a great video production in Orlando may be a great way to capture the event.  Having a camera crew at your event brings it to the next level-riling up the crowd with the prospect of being filmed always adds a dynamic to…

Getting Your Message Across in a 15 Second Spot

Nowadays, consumers are constantly barraged by advertisements at the speed of light.  Literally.  Whether its a TV commercial, pieces of junk mail, pop-ups, or internet ads, the amount of advertisements we’re subjected to is mind-boggling.  Since it is human nature to adapt to these “environments”, we’ve also learned how to tune them out after a while.  That’s why it is…

What Makes a Video Viral?

We’re all familiar with the feeling of being “rick-rolled”.  We laughed at the first time we saw a small British child exclaim “Charlie bit me!”.  But what makes these videos so fascinating to us?  It could be the allure of how many views it has, altering our perception into “with that many views, it must be good!”.  There is a…

Venturing into the World of Television

It’s intimidating, yet fascinating, to imagine being on television. Maybe it’s the idea of the bright lights glimmering down on you, cameramen honing in, key grips and boom mics, and the countdown 3….2….1.  It’s probably just the fact that over 290 million people in the United States alone watch television-it is an entertainment staple for our culture.  Making a journey…