Tag: orlando video production companies

Getting Your Message Across in a 15 Second Spot

Nowadays, consumers are constantly barraged by advertisements at the speed of light.  Literally.  Whether its a TV commercial, pieces of junk mail, pop-ups, or internet ads, the amount of advertisements we’re subjected to is mind-boggling.  Since it is human nature to adapt to these “environments”, we’ve also learned how to tune them out after a while.  That’s why it is…

What Makes a Video Viral?

We’re all familiar with the feeling of being “rick-rolled”.  We laughed at the first time we saw a small British child exclaim “Charlie bit me!”.  But what makes these videos so fascinating to us?  It could be the allure of how many views it has, altering our perception into “with that many views, it must be good!”.  There is a…

Venturing into the World of Television

It’s intimidating, yet fascinating, to imagine being on television. Maybe it’s the idea of the bright lights glimmering down on you, cameramen honing in, key grips and boom mics, and the countdown 3….2….1.  It’s probably just the fact that over 290 million people in the United States alone watch television-it is an entertainment staple for our culture.  Making a journey…

Interviews: Up Close and Personal

Interviews, whether on a casual late night show or a prime time news special, give us an insightful chance to see important people in a different light.  If it wasn’t for interviews we probably wouldn’t know that Iggy Pop thought Johnny Rotten was a musical genius or that Charlie Sheen in fact has tiger blood.  When finding a video production…

Putting Some Pep in Your Prayer

Compared to the drawn-out, monotonous church sessions of the European Middle Ages, present day prayer is a lot more keen to group singing, less tense clergy, and the reduction of religious ostracizing. With so many different religious organizations appealing to the unique needs of every person, it can often be difficult to stand out. If you feel like your community…

Pointers for Your Next Effective Video Ad Campaign

If you believe you’d like your company to have an image and personality in your local community, an effective video ad campaign might be a great option.  By being able to mix TV advertisement with the possibility of online videos, your presence can be literally viewed by an incalculable amount of people.  Through some careful consideration, we will explore how…

Keeping your Video Production Needs Local or Beyond

If you’re looking for a video production company, would you rather have someone that knows the market you’re going for, or the business you’re working with?  Your answer is most likely “both”, and it’s also feasible, but it takes some time to be able to find that ideal company.  Most of the time a local company will be the ones…

Making Media Buying Easy and Cost-Effective

Let’s say you have an amazing video production promoting your company.  It has cutting-edge CG, a musical score by a concert virtuoso, basically all the bells and whistles.  Not too many people will see it if your choice medium is Facebook.  You might get lucky if it goes viral on YouTube, but you’d have to do something unintentionally riveting or…

What to Look for in a Video Production Company

So, it’s time for you to find a video production company.  Maybe you’re looking for a great team to capture the moments that will matter for the rest of your life. You could even be searching for experts that can make a music video that rocks as much as your band does.  Whatever your video production needs are, there are…